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Ferrari HR knew what was going on under the hood: Ex-chief

Ferrari Australasia's former chief executive alleged its HR bosses knew before his sacking that very senior officers routinely had consensual sexual relationships with subordinates, in an adverse action claim now discontinued over privacy concerns.

Ousted union secretary seeks reinstatement, penalties

Former FSU Victoria and Tasmania local executive secretary David Scanlon is suing the union and seven members of its local executive for ousting him in February, after he refused to send a nominated delegation to an ALP state conference.

Ferrari chief's secrecy bid stalls in Federal Court

The Federal Court has this afternoon rejected a request from Ferrari Australasia's former chief executive for a confidentiality order to suppress details of his discontinued general protections claim.

Coach's bullying led to mental illness, claims team manager

The A-League's newest club is being sued by its former team manager, who claims persistent bullying by the head coach - including being directed to wash the other man's dirty laundry - contributed to a mental illness.

Court rejects ER manager's bid to represent employer

A judge has shot down an ER manager's bid to represent her employer in an adverse action case in which she is accused of criminal behaviour, observing that her own interests might "colour" her ability to effectively perform the role.

No hearing for teacher "forced" onto maternity leave

The FWC has refused to hear the out-of-time unlawful termination case of a teacher allegedly "forced" into taking maternity leave, finding her confusion over the dismissal date, a delay caused by filing the wrong claim and a difficult birth did not amount to exceptional circumstances.