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Underpaying employers face "stark choices": Judge

A Federal Court judge has while fining a franchisor almost $500,000 for deliberately underpaying Taiwanese interns speculated that a recent High Court ruling will impel more parties to agree on penalties rather than go to trial, an "unfortunate by-product" being fewer judgments offering "yardsticks" for future cases.

Tribunal's "colonial attitude" claim dismissed

A worker who claims FWC President Iain Ross admitted to having a problem with commissioners' "colonial attitude" has lost his Federal Court bid to sue the tribunal for racial discrimination.

Judge queries conflicting approaches to adverse action cases

A Federal Court judge, after identifying conflicting case law on how to assess employers' motives, has concluded that the ATO did not sack an auditor for complaining about "defamatory" claims that he told colleagues during office drinks that he would "f--k" his manager to get a promotion.

Pandemic no "stalking horse" to undermine rights: Court

In a detailed examination of a major government department's early response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Federal Court has rejected union claims that a hastily-conceived working from home policy breached existing arrangements and consultation requirements.

FSU fails to extinguish case against union, leader

A court has declined to take the "extreme" step of throwing out a general protections case with a "long and troubled history" brought by a former FSU employee against the union, its national secretary and a state leader.

Harassment sacking not a case of "social origin" bias: Court

A court has tossed out a former accountant's novel claim that Bunnings' decision to dismiss him after discovering he had s-xually harassed a supervisor at a different job more than a decade earlier amounted to discrimination on the basis of "social origin".

Sacked safety manager alleges "covert influence" of CFMMEU

A court has rebuffed a safety manager's attempt to unearth physical evidence that Watpac sacked him as a result of union pressure rather than for allegedly instigating anonymous threats to a CFMMEU delegate and his partner.

Court rebuffs Employsure suppression bid

IR advisor Employsure has failed to stop Workplace Express from accessing part of a manager's adverse action claim, after contending that it contained confidential information about a restructure that could give competitors an advantage.

Former law firm partner seeks $2M over alleged discrimination

A lawyer is suing her former firm for $2 million in a case accusing it of misrepresenting her employment as that of an independent contractor and discriminating against her because of her gender, race and age.

"Passed over" due to parental leave, responsibilities: Manager

An Employsure manager is suing the IR advisory service for deciding against appointing her to a more senior role that she sought while on parental leave, accusing it of discriminating against her because of her pregnancy and impending family responsibilities.