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Unions hugely influential in swing to Labor: Mackerras

The union movement's targeted marginal seats campaign played an "absolutely critical" role in generating a dramatic swing to the Labor Party in Saturday's federal election, according to renowned political analyst Malcolm Mackerras.

FWC acts on Heydon CFMEU referral

The Fair Work Commission's general manager has launched an inquiry into the actions of former leaders of the CFMEU construction and general division's NSW branch, after the Heydon Royal Commission referred the matter to the tribunal.

Coalition targets MUA-CFMEU nuptials

The Turnbull Government has pledged that if it is returned on July 2, it will introduce a public interest test for union mergers, which would put the planned tie-up between the CFMEU and the MUA under the microscope.

Coalition to make "corrupting benefits" unlawful

A second-term Turnbull Government will adopt the "overwhelming majority" of the Heydon Royal Commission's recommendations, including outlawing "corrupting benefits" such as those involved in the AWU-Cleanevent deal and giving courts the power to disqualify repeat-offender union officials, Employment Minister Michaelia Cash said today.

Victoria seeks circuit-breaker for CFA dispute

The Andrews Labor Government has brought in Victoria's Emergency Management Commissioner to help broker a peace deal in the standoff between paid and volunteer firefighters, which has spilled over into the federal election campaign.

Shorten buckets CFMEU's Setka over comments to mass meeting

Opposition Leader Bill Shorten has today criticised CFMEU construction and general division Victorian branch leader John Setka for reportedly comparing the Coalition's "attack" on the union and its members to that of Hitler's Germany, after Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull called on the Labor leader to "publicly disown" the union secretary.

Coalition pledges 10-fold penalty rise for dodgy franchisors

A Turnbull Coalition Government, if returned at the July 2 election, will amend the Fair Work Act to make franchisors and parent entities responsible for their franchisees' and subsidiaries' exploitation of vulnerable workers, while increasing penalties tenfold for employers that underpay such workers and fail to keep proper records.

Government promises to review "backpacker tax"

Returned Turnbull Government would review "backpacker tax"; $23,500 fine for hairdressing salon that failed to comply with $3500 underpayments rectification order.