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Challenge to FWBC powers to stymie agreements

The ETU has launched a Federal Court challenge to the construction watchdog's power to assess whether enterprise agreements comply with the 2013 construction code.

Senate report on backpacker tax due today

The Senate economics committee is due to report today on its review of the "backpacker tax" bills, under which employers will be placed on a public register that the FWO can access to ensure they are complying with IR laws.

IR bills to return to Senate when passage assured: PM

The Government won’t reintroduce the ABCC and ROC bills to the Senate until it has the numbers to win their passage, Prime Minister Turnbull said today in response to the new uncertainty about the crossbench.

Crossbench disarray threatens IR bills

The Turnbull Government’s plan to push its IR bills through the Senate have been thrown into doubt by legal questions over the eligibility of two crossbench senators.

Cash calls off IR ministers meeting

Employment Minister Michaelia Cash has called off a scheduled annual meeting with her state and territory IR counterparts, telling them there are "no matters requiring ministerial decision".

CFMEU challenging ban on paying officials' fines; Senator Day here to stay

The CFMEU construction and general division's Victorian branch is appealing a Federal Court decision that barred the union from paying an $18,000 penalty against an organiser after the judge concluded the union received part of its income from government grants.

Volunteer firefighters abandon court fight against CFA agreement

Victoria's volunteer firefighters have dropped legal action in the State Supreme Court against the CFA's proposed new enterprise agreement, in the wake of the Turnbull Government pushing through changes to the Fair Work Act.

Coalition should have conducted more active IR campaign: Abetz

The Coalition should have sought a "more extensive mandate" on IR and run a more active campaign on the subject during the last election, rather than supplementing the ABCC and ROC bills with a "last minute minor change on CFA volunteers", according to Abbott Government Employment Minister Eric Abetz.

DIBP seeks to head off workplace determination by FWC

The Department of Immigration and Border Protection will put a new offer to its employees in the wake of the Fair Work Commission's decision to terminate industrial action at airports across the country and move towards arbitration of a new agreement.