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Commission confirms transition timetable for penalty rate cuts

The Fair Work Commission has ruled today the contentious decision to cut Sunday penalty rates will be phased-in over four financial years in the retail and pharmacy sectors and over three financial years in hospitality and fast food.

Minimum wage decision set for tomorrow

The Fair Work Commission will bring down the 2017 minimum wage review at 11am tomorrow in a ruling that is expected to fall well short of the ambitious claim pushed by the ACTU under new secretary Sally McManus.

Code bites as more builders face Commonwealth project bans

The ABCC has revealed that another three builders face temporary bans on being allowed to bid for Commonwealth-funded construction projects as the Turnbull Government takes a tougher stance on breaches of the new national construction code.

Coalition abandons legislation to outlaw "double dipping"

The Turnbull Government has quietly withdrawn parental leave legislation that sought remove employers from a mandatory role as "paymasters", prohibit "double dipping" and increase the maximum Government payment to 20 weeks.

Non-NERR-compliant agreements on hold: FWC

The FWC has asked the Coalition to consider backdating its legislation to give the tribunal discretion to correct minor errors in bargaining notices, after a new regulation designed to reduce defects appears to have made things worse.

Inquiry backs vulnerable workers legislation, with minor changes

A Senate inquiry's largely bipartisan support for the Turnbull Government's Protecting Vulnerable Workers Bill is a "striking indication" of how far the debate on the issue has advanced, according to Adelaide University Professor of Law, Andrew Stewart.