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Provide leave at full pay for isolating workers: ACTU

The ACTU has called for employers to "step up" ahead of the forecast peak in COVID-19 numbers by providing leave at full pay for workers who need to isolate or quarantine and distributing free rapid antigen tests to all employees.

Strikes and FWC disputes part of new member's childhood

Former IR Minister Michaelia Cash's final employer-side appointment to the FWC has told how his mother still chafes at the Commission's determination in a matter where she appeared as an employee witness.

RBA hasn't understood wages "for a long time": Kelty

Former ACTU secretary and RBA director Bill Kelty has thrown his weight behind appointing someone with a union background to the Reserve Bank board, saying in the wake of claims about its limited perspectives that the central bank has not understood how wages operate "for a long time".

Honours for union, HR Nicholls stalwarts

Former long-serving SDA national secretary Joe de Bruyn and HR Nicholls Society founding president John Stone are among those recognised in this year's Queen's Birthday honours.

Just a handful of unionists elected in Albanese victory

A score of former union officials and activists moved into Parliament 15 years ago when the Rudd Labor Government took power at the "Work Choices" poll, but this time is different, with only a few winning, or a chance of winning, seats in Saturday's election victory for the party.

Morrison Government to "consult" on paid FDV leave: Cash

The Morrison Government has declined to endorse the FWC's provisional view extending 10 days' paid domestic leave to about 2.6 million award-covered workers, a decision partly based on evidence that it is an "emerging standard" in bargaining and over-award arrangements.

CFMMEU pushing "same job, same pay" in key electorates

The main union representing coal mineworkers is pouring resources into advocating for Labor's election pledge of "same job, same pay" for labour hire workers across key resources seats in NSW and Queensland.

Labor promises to reform Pacific agricultural labour programs

If it takes power at the May 21 election, the Opposition is planning to overhaul the Pacific Islands seasonal farm worker programs, while dumping the Morrison Government's agricultural visa, which extended to South-East Asian nations.

Morrison Government set to double penalties in construction

IR Minister Michaelia Cash says that if the Morrison Coalition Government is returned at the May 21 election, it will double the maximum penalties for serious, deliberate and repeated breaches of the law covering workplace behaviour in the construction industry.

Coalition moderates major project deals policy

The Coalition has today revealed a pre-election compromise position on its long-held push for "life-of-project" agreements, which would have a maximum term of six years, down on the eight-year regime jettisoned from its IR Omnibus Bill, but unions say it amounts to another Government strategy to cap pay rises.