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Think pink for COVID-19 recovery plan: McManus

ACTU secretary Sally McManus has warned against an excessive concentration of taxpayer support on blue-collar jobs in response to what is primarily a "pink recession" caused by the coronavirus pandemic.

Union abandons reg challenge; Delay wage theft law: AiG; & more

Court finding on notice period change shredded; Call to halt wage theft law until working party concludes; Industry super paper concedes employees might bear costs of super rises; and $15K for academic in "labyrinthine" case.

Porter to restore seven-day access period

The Morrison Government is set to withdraw a regulation that cut the minimum notice period that employers have to give employees of proposed changes to enterprise agreements from seven days to one day.

Panel warned on strength of post-COVID-19 recovery

Federal Treasury has told the FWC's minimum wage panel to be cautious in accepting predictions of a "very strong snapback" in the unemployment rate, as the economy re-opens after the coronavirus pandemic.

COVID-19 IR taskforce brought old foes together

The Morrison Government established an IR working group, chaired by former ACTU secretary Greg Combet and including a key legal advisor to the MUA during the bitter 1998 waterfront dispute, as a trouble-shooting body at the height of the COVID-19 restrictions and business shutdowns in April.

Call for more voices on slavery advisory body

The Morrison Government's expert advisory group on modern slavery is too top-heavy with big business representatives, according to human rights groups, churches, academics and unions.

Scramble for seats at PM's IR roundtables

Prime Minister Scott Morrison's plan for a dialogue with unions and employers over changes to workplace laws has sparked a scramble among stakeholders to get a seat at the table.

"Certain risks" if JobKeeper ends too early: RBA

The Labor Opposition has seized on a warning by Reserve Bank Governor Philip Lowe that the JobKeeper wage subsidy should not be phased out too soon, insisting it identifies the dangers of the government's "snap back" strategy.