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Union decries objection to "ambiguous" proposed bans

The NTEU is challenging a FWC decision to knock out the bulk of its "ambiguous" questions in a Curtin University protected action ballot, including proposed bans on responding to phone calls and emails, working outside of ordinary hours or attending work events.

"Genuine" negotiation vow as public sector pay cap lifted

The Albanese Government will deliver a 3% interim pay rise to federal public servants while it tackles "complex" bargaining reforms to facilitate service-wide negotiations, after they weathered a 2% cap, WPI-linked increases and a freeze under the Morrison Government.

Treasury's "roadmap" to bigger, better workforce

The Albanese Government has today released the terms of reference for the Employment White Paper, confirming that its planned changes to the Fair Work Act will come well before that process ends.

Delivery platforms embrace minimum standards, with caveats

Platform companies Deliveroo, Menulog and Uber say they are embracing the Federal Government's consultations on the introduction of national minimum IR standards for the gig economy, but insist any changes must be tailor-made and leave room for choice.

Qantas a "textbook case" for multi-employer bargaining: Senator

As talks continue on the scope and form of a soon-to-be expanded multi-employer bargaining framework, Labor Senator Tony Sheldon says Qantas' IR arrangements are a "textbook case" for it and claims the airline's "game book" is also playing out in the mining sector.

No strikes in support of multi-employer deals: DEWR

The Albanese Government's multi-employer bargaining regime will focus on low-paid workers and will not permit sector-wide or industry-wide strikes, according to documents tabled in the Senate.

Labor MP's "anger" at precarious work

A new Labor MP has described her personal experience of the "ache of insecure work" in the tertiary education sector to reinforce why it has become one of the primary targets in the Albanese Government's legislative agenda.

Fair Work Act optimism "misplaced": Expert

A prominent IR academic has told today's jobs summit that the optimism that attended the Fair Work Act's introduction in 2009 was "misplaced", with workers in the years since unable to effectively exercise power when bargaining.

Three ways to "rebalance" the FWC: Stewart

A leading employment law and IR academic says the Albanese Government needs to decide how it will go about "rebalancing" the FWC before it settles on a successor to President Iain Ross, suggesting it has three options.

Provide leave at full pay for isolating workers: ACTU

The ACTU has called for employers to "step up" ahead of the forecast peak in COVID-19 numbers by providing leave at full pay for workers who need to isolate or quarantine and distributing free rapid antigen tests to all employees.