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High take-up of JobKeeper flexibilities: Review

About three-quarters of employers that participated in the JobKeeper wage subsidy scheme used the temporary IR flexibilities such as employee stand-downs, according to a new report.

Judge carpets "intransigent" federal agency

The Federal Circuit Court has criticised the Federal Department of Agriculture for taking a "belligerent", "intransigent course" in resisting an extension of time and seeking costs against a former employee despite her lawyers accepting full responsibility.

McManus joins jostling over IR changes

ACTU secretary Sally McManus is hopeful that agreement can be reached on a legal definition of casual employees, despite the Morrison Government's IR working groups ending with recriminations between union and employer groups.

Coronavirus-driven Budget increases for FEG, FWC

The Morrison Government will modestly increase funding to the Fair Work Commission over the next two years as part of its response to COVID-19, which is expected to drive up employer insolvencies and increase demand for the Fair Entitlements Guarantee scheme.

Porter promises pragmatic package of IR changes

Any IR legislative package introduced by the Morrison Government after the working groups process will be pragmatic, balanced and realistic and won't be ideologically-driven, IR Minister Christian Porter told employers in WA this morning.

Premature to consider troops on docks: PM

Prime Minister Scott Morrison says a dispute between Patrick and MUA hasn't got to the point where it would be necessary to consider bringing in troops to ensure continuity of supply.

FWC to hear Patrick bid to end protected action

The FWC will this week hear an application by stevedore Patrick to terminate the MUA's protected action at its four container ports, while IR Minister Christian Porter has confirmed he will intervene in support of the company.

No insistence on AWA revival in IR groups: Employers

A key employer group has rejected ACTU claims that business interests advocated the re-introduction of Work Choices-style AWAs in the Morrison Government's IR working groups.

Qantas weighing appeal against JobKeeper ruling

Qantas is considering a challenge to a Federal Court interpretation today of JobKeeper payment rules that will require it to backpay employees who received penalty rates in arrears while covered by the wage subsidy scheme.