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Omnibus IR Bill "a deeply flawed initiative": Academics

The Morrison Government's plan to allow the FWC to approve agreements that fail the BOOT to help employers hit by the coronanvirus would "tear a gaping hole" in the award safety net, according to a group of leading labour law experts.

Umpire cautions Canberra against agreement deadlines

The FWC has warned the Morrison Government that its legislative plan to set a 21-day deadline for approval of enterprise agreements is "unnecessary and will have unintended consequences that are contrary to the interests of the bargaining parties".

WA tells Canberra to scrap BOOT change; Victoria laments lost opportunity

Ahead of hearings in Townsville on Monday into the Omnibus Bill, Victoria's Andrews Government has described the legislation as a "lost opportunity", while WA's McGowan Government has urged the Morrison Government to abandon its provision to permit approval of short-term substandard agreements.

RBA predicts long wage pause; Analysis says Bill won't help

The RBA is warning that wage growth won't be "materially higher" for at least three years, while Centre for Future Work analysis suggests that the proposed Omnibus Bill provision permitting approval of BOOT-failing agreements will further hamper any recovery in pay rises.

Labor sets up IR omnibus Bill roadblock

The ALP caucus today resolved to oppose the Morrison Government's Omnibus IR Bill in its entirety, in a major shift from the more cooperative approach taken towards emergency legislation last year at the height of the pandemic.

Opposition IR policy announcements pledged, as Burke retained

Opposition Leader Anthony Albanese has flagged he will make significant IR policy announcements in the second week of next month, with Labor and union sources saying it will include measures to increase job security.

Gong for top silk in January 26 honours

The barrister representing Workpac in its crucial Rossato case in the High Court has been recognised in the Australia Day Honours.

Porter to start vax discussions next month

IR Minister Christian Porter says that talks will soon start with employers and unions to work through the complex legal and workplace safety issues surrounding the rollout of COVID-19 vaccines.

$200K research brief to aid Government casuals campaign

The Morrison Government has signed a $198,000 contract for market research that might inform an advertising campaign to sell the changes in the IR omnibus bill that is before the Senate.