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IR experience not essential for FWC members: Cash

IR Minister Michaelia Cash has defended the appointment of former federal Liberal frontbencher Sophie Mirabella to the FWC, maintaining that experience in employment law or IR is "not necessarily" a requirement.

Say sorry to former Post boss: Inquiry

Former Australia Post chief executive and managing director Christine Holgate is owed an apology for being denied procedural fairness and natural justice when she parted ways with the organisation, according to a Senate inquiry.

FWC welcomes Mirabella, O'Neill to ranks

The FWC has in officially welcoming two new members heard how one negotiated her own pay rates as a 12-year-old and the other was indebted to a member of the bar who always took her enquiring phone calls as a junior lawyer "and never told me the answer".

Victoria moves on gig standards

The Andrews Labor Government will start working on State-based standards and regulation for work in the gig economy, after failing to win support for national action from the Morrison Government.

FEG allocations reduced, as businesses stay afloat

The Morrison Government has cut back funding for the Fair Entitlements Guarantee in the 2021-22 Federal Budget, but still expects an increase in claims as COVID-19 support for business is wound back and more employers go into liquidation.

Budget's "missed opportunity" to tackle workplace harassment

The Morrison Government has stopped short of providing significant funding for working women's centres offering specialist advice on workplace harassment, despite recently expressing support for them in its response to the Respect@Work report.

A-G's seeking FWC GM applications by mid-May

The Attorney-General's Department has moved to speedily appoint a new general manager to the FWC, while signalling that a key part of the role is to oversee "significant transformation" of the tribunal's "digital capabilities".

Demerger ballot bid before Ross tomorrow

The CFMMEU mining and energy division's historic application to demerge from the amalgamated union will have its first mention tomorrow before FWC President Iain Ross.