Federal workplace relations/IR ministers page 40 of 52

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New flare-up looms in CFA dispute

The dispute at Victoria's Country Fire Authority is set to flare in coming weeks as the new CFA board considers whether to sign-off on a controversial enterprise agreement.

Business needs to update "old-style" campaigning: AMMA

Business groups have to cooperate and overhaul their campaign tactics to match groups like GetUp and trade unions, according to Australian Mines and Metals Association chief executive Steve Knott.

Unions' right of entry in Coalition sights

The re-elected Turnbull government will pursue changes to workplace laws covering union right of entry, according to Employment Minister Michaelia Cash.

Cash fears UFU will replicate Victorian CFA deal in Queensland

Victoria's United Firefighters Union is calling on members to endorse a contentious in-principle CFA enterprise agreement at a special meeting next week, while employment minister Senator Cash has expressed "concern" that the union is seeking a similar deal in Queensland.

Cash retains Employment, ABCC next

Employment Minister Michaelia Cash will lead the push to re-establish the ABCC and to create a specialist regulator of unions, once the Federal parliament resumes on August 30.

CFMEU leader wins discovery of FWBC documents

The CFMEU has won a document discovery order over the withdrawn prosecution of its national secretary Michael O'Connor, in a judgment that ropes in Employment Minster Michaelia Cash.

Coalition targets MUA-CFMEU nuptials

The Turnbull Government has pledged that if it is returned on July 2, it will introduce a public interest test for union mergers, which would put the planned tie-up between the CFMEU and the MUA under the microscope.