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Gender pay gap closing, no thanks to some: WGEA

The gender pay gap has dropped from 24.7% to 21.3% over the past five years but many companies are still harbouring an "action gap", with policies in place but no accountability for implementing them, says the Workplace Gender Equality Agency.

Labour costs continue fall as productivity climbs: ABS

Labour costs have fallen for the second successive quarter to leave an annual decline of 1.2% in trend terms, while productivity has continued to rise, according to ABS national accounts data released today.

ABS 'future workforce' insights in jeopardy: Experts

Academics, employers and unions have roundly criticised the ABS's decision not to review occupational classifications used to keep pace with new and emerging jobs in the digital era, warning it undermines their ability to plan for the workforce of the future.

"We just need to pay them a bit more": RBA governor

Reserve Bank governor Philip Lowe has told a House of Representatives committee that the RBA is doing what it can to respond to slow wage growth, admitting his stance has been controversial, but has again stopped short of calling for a quick upswing.

Lloyd breached service's own conduct code: APS watchdog

Former Australian Public Service Commissioner John Lloyd breached the service's code of conduct by emailing research about government enterprise agreements to a free-market think tank, a high-level inquiry has found.

Industry-wide bargaining a cure for wage stagnation: OECD

Union calls for a return to industry-wide bargaining to boost workers' earnings have won the backing of the OECD, which says in its annual global employment report that negotiations across industry sectors can lead to "lower wage inequality".

Real labour costs fall, productivity up: ABS

Real non-farm unit labour costs have retreated after three successive quarters of growth, while productivity in the market sector has seen a modest spike to arrest consecutive quarterly falls, according to ABS national accounts data released today.