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BHP Coal required unreasonable overtime: Court

The Federal Court has held that a BMA coal loading facility breached a reasonable overtime clause in its enterprise agreement by requiring workers to perform more than eight additional hours per week.

Court makes crucial ruling on travel time

In a decision that could have employers re-thinking standard travel and hours terms in agreements, the Federal Court has found in favour of a CFMMEU-backed class action that argued workers should be paid for transit time between security gates and their worksite.

Assembling before pre-start meeting starts clock on work: FWC

In a significant decision on the nature of work, the FWC has ruled that employees required to attend a worksite assembly point by a prescribed time before being transported to a pre-start meeting should be paid for the intervening period.

FWC throws out bullying claim against HR manager

The FWC has rejected a claim that a chemist operator's HR chief and two managers bullied a pharmacist by failing to roster enough support staff to assist him on Saturday shifts.

FWC inserts annualised hours clauses in awards

Employers say the FWC's decision to forge ahead with model annualised wage clauses containing new record-keeping and reconciliation requirements – inserting them into some awards for the first time – will impose a "major red tape burden" while removing much of the benefit.

Long commute from beachside idyll not "unreasonable hardship": FWC

The FWC has expressed sympathy for a new father who resisted incentives to buy a second family car to help preserve a work-life balance upended by a transfer to a distant office, but ultimately agreed his employer did not breach his contract's "unreasonable hardship" clause.

Compensation pared to maintain employer's viability

The FWC has substantially reduced the compensation payout to an underpaid sacked 457 visa worker because ordering a larger amount might have threatened his employer's viability.

Employer receives harsh Latin lesson in deal's interpretation

Qube Ports must withdraw final warnings issued to seven Port Kembla workers who refused shift extensions, after the FWC took its bargaining team by "complete surprise" and found the employer misconstrued a common abbreviation in its agreement.

Lack of HR expertise didn't excuse "shoddy" dismissal

A restaurant that required a chef to work more than 20 unpaid hours a week and summarily sacked him when he sought to pare it back and take leave was "blissfully unaware" of its award obligations, the FWC has found.