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Unions push for abandonment of super changes

Unions have urged the Morrison Government to dump the "Your Future, Your Super" legislation after reports the Coalition will allow a scheduled increase in employer super contributions from 9.5% to 10% to go ahead.

ACTU-led coalition pushes for harassment change

Unions and gender equality activists will push the Morrison Government to move quickly to introduce legal obligations for employers to prevent sexual harassment and assault at work.

Employers seeking minimum wage freezes, delays

Employer bodies are asking the FWC's minimum way panel to freeze minimum rates, limit any rises to CPI or to follow last year's precedent and postpone any increases.

Coalition hasn't given up on IR change

The Morrison Government remains committed to advancing the changes to the Fair Work Act it abruptly dropped last Thursday, the Attorney-General's Department's head told a Senate Estimates hearing today.

Nursing union seeking agreed position on aged care wages

The FWC will hold a directions hearing on Friday into an ANMF bid to add the nursing award to an aged care work value case and win more time to negotiate an agreed position with the Morrison Government and employers, as urged by the Aged Care Royal Commission.

Inquiry backs passage of Omnibus IR Bill

In an inquiry report released this afternoon, Coalition senators have acknowledged disquiet from employers and unions about elements of the Omnibus IR Bill, but are urging its passage without further amendment.

Former staffer indicates Reynolds paid damages

The Defence Minister's former staffer who alleged a colleague raped her in the workplace appears to have won a damages payout to settle her claim over Minister Reynolds' recent "lying cow" comment.

Hitch for ACCC in CFMMEU cartel case

The ACCC has had a major setback in its landmark cartel case against the CFMMEU construction and general division's ACT branch and its secretary, Jason O'Mara.

Irish code to address "always on call" working culture

As COVID-19 amplifies pressure for workers to have greater rights to "disconnect" outside of working hours, the Irish Government has asked its Workplace Relations Commission to develop a code of practice to promote the practice.