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Workplace surveillance to be scrutinised: Minister

The Queensland Law Reform Commission will examine the need to strengthen legislation around the use of surveillance devices and technologies in the public sphere and the workplace.

Human Rights Commission launches year-long harassment inquiry

The Human Rights Commission says it will examine the scale, drivers and consequences of workplace sexual harassment and develop recommendations drawn from current best practice as part of a 12-month inquiry announced today.

Imprisonment for former union leader

Former NUW NSW branch secretary Derrick Belan has been sentenced to four years' jail on 60 charges that involved more than $650,000 of union funds, including personal spending on a tattoo, Botox treatments, holidays and a Harley Davidson motorcycle.

Settlement over another abandoned CFMEU blackmail case

The AFP have agreed to pay former CFMEU organiser John Lomax an undisclosed settlement after he sued them for wrongful arrest, false imprisonment and malicious prosecution over his alleged blackmail of a Canberra painting company during enterprise agreement negotiations.

"Blackmail" an afterthought, Boral executives admitted

Key witnesses in this week's collapsed criminal case against two Victorian CFMEU leaders told the Melbourne Magistrates Court that nobody mentioned the word "blackmail" to them until more than a year after a crucial meeting in April 2013.

New labour hire regime begins, with lawyers among those spared

Australia's first labour hire licensing regime comes into effect in Queensland today with legislators attempting to meet industry concerns about its wide cast by tackling the thorny issue of who is and who isn't caught in its scope.

Union urges Hayne to review targets, performance management

The FSU has told the Hayne Royal Commission that in following its terms of reference by examining remuneration practices in the banking and finance sector, it should also scrutinise an associated issue - target-based performance management.