Industrial action/disputes page 44 of 82

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Union pursued over "coercive" campaign material

The Federal Court will consider whether a series of NTEU social media posts, campaign materials and protests constitute "coercive acts" that are disproportionate to any legitimate interests the union might have had in wanting to stop Murdoch University from terminating its 2014 agreement.

Aerocare's "misconceived" offer sinks agreement appeal

Aerocare's attempt to revive its appeal against the rejection of a new agreement has fallen short, after an FWC full bench rejected the aviation services company's "misconceived" offer to improve conditions for casuals.

FWO puts MUA under microscope over Webb Dock picket

The FWO is investigating protests at Melbourne's Webb Dock during the MUA's dispute with stevedore VICT which, despite Victorian Supreme Court cease-orders, continued until the worker's temporary reinstatement last Friday.

Employer has right to modify shift penalty arrangements: Bench

An FWC full bench has quashed a finding that the terms of CSL's agreement did not empower the Commission to resolve a dispute about the payment of shift penalties, holding that the deal does not stop the employer moving from an averaging system to a "time worked" regime.

Picket maintained despite representative order

The picket outside the new "robo" terminal at the Port of Melbourne has continued today, despite the Victorian Supreme Court ordering yesterday that it come to an end.

FWC freezes hearing of challenge to delegate's sacking

The FWC has acceded to a request to delay an unfair dismissal hearing for two AMWU delegates sacked by Visy Board for allegedly organising unlawful overtime bans, so that they don't prejudice their position in a parallel civil penalty prosecution the company has initiated against the union, an official and 69 employees.

VICT targets protesters through representative action

Victoria International Container Terminal is today calling on the State's Supreme Court to recognise VTHC secretary Luke Hilakari as a representative of all protesters gathering in support of the MUA in its dispute at the Port of Melbourne, and to stop them coming within a 100 metre "exclusion zone".