Industrial action/disputes page 43 of 82

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FSU at royal commission; On-hire worker's dismissal claim; & more

FSU legally represented in banking royal commission; "No end date" comment spurs on-hire dismissal claim; Company's "secret" to closing gender pay gap; Disputes at decade-long low; and surprising lift in US private sector union membership.

CFMEU official fined, but spared personal payment order

A court has elected not to impose a personal payment order against a CFMEU official fined $7500 for organising action that severely disrupted a major construction project, despite finding his actions "nothing short of unconscionable".

End to pulp friction after eight-week strike

The AMWU has agreed to end an eight-week strike at a Melbourne envelope plant after the employer, Australian Paper, gave ground on two of three demands.

Ombudsman apologises for employer's inspector "mate"

The Fair Work Ombudsman disciplined one of its senior inspectors over his unauthorised participation to help an employer in a conciliation conference convened by the FWC, a new tribunal decision reveals.

FWC halts lockout, orders new ballot

The Fair Work Commission has ordered an end to Glencore's lockout and a CFMEU picket at the Oaky North coal mine in Queensland, to provide a cooling-off period before a second vote on a proposed agreement on March 27.

ABCC escapes costs for bungled targeting of CFMEU leader

The Federal Court has accepted that the ABCC made a "genuine mistake" when it pursued CFMEU national secretary Michael O'Connor for his alleged involvement in a blockade at Sydney's Barangaroo project.

Another fiery picket to come under FWO microscope

The FWO has again taken a bead on union behaviour, confirming today that it is investigating industrial action at the Oaky North mine in Queensland, where about 190 workers remain locked out after more than 200 days.

Low wages linked to declining industrial action: Research

The "near disappearance" of industrial action over recent decades is strongly correlated with the "deceleration" of wages growth, according to the new analysis released by the Centre for Future Work just days after the FWC halted the planned Sydney train strike.

No leave accrual during lockout, says FWC

In a landmark ruling, the FWC has held that Carter Holt Harvey employees did not accrue annual or long service leave during a 74-day lockout last year.