Industrial action/disputes page 39 of 82

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Unions pursue national IR manager over alleged underpayments

Three unions have won court approval to argue that the IR manager of a major service provider should be held accessorially liable for alleged underpayment of workers at Esso's onshore and offshore Bass Strait sites.

FWO gets tough on dodgy paperwork

The Fair Work Ombudsman has begun the first proceedings using tougher new provisions relating to providing false and misleading documents during an investigation, Senate Estimates hearings have been told this week.

Judge questions laws on docking pay for unlawful industrial acts

A Federal Court judge has questioned the "wisdom or fairness" of laws requiring employers to subtract four hours' pay for as little as 10 minutes unprotected action, after finding the AWU breached the Fair Work Act when an official asked a BlueScope manager not to dock returning strikers for starting a shift late.

Strike hits Warren Buffett company after FWC go-ahead

The FWC has rejected arguments that the CFMEU engaged in pattern bargaining during negotiations over agreements with two crane operators, clearing the path for indefinite strikes to begin early this morning.

FWC calls out union for "rallying" members to take unlawful action

The FWC has found the RTBU organised unprotected industrial action at Queensland Rail in the lead-up to the state's River Fire Festival weekend and couched a directive discouraging members from participating "in terms that rallied" them.

NTEU planning bans, stopworks after deal voted down

Victoria University is trying to head off an NTEU bid for a protected action ballot order, after professional and academic staff voted down by 77% a deal labelled "one of the worst proposals" tabled in the latest tertiary education bargaining round.

Referees brandish strike card

National Rugby League referees are pushing ahead with a protected action ballot in pursuit of a ground-breaking enterprise agreement and greater job security than offered under their current 12-month contracts.

Alcoa strikers spurn offer as termination bid looms

Alcoa says it would welcome an "alternative proposal" from the AWU after striking workers resoundingly rejected its latest offer, but it will not withdraw a bid to terminate the current deal.

AWU dismisses Alcoa offer to strikers as a bad deal

The AWU is urging more than 1200 striking Alcoa workers to reject a revised management deal as the action affecting the company's West Australian operations enters its fourth week.

Planned court security action "perilous"

The FWC has ordered Broadspectrum's WA court security and transport officers to suspend protected action, finding that banning overtime and ditching uniforms posed a risk to the public, court and hospital staff and the prisoners themselves.