Industrial action/disputes page 30 of 82

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Court scuppers FWO's unlawful strike case against seafarers

The FWO's pursuit of penalties over a crew's "sit-in" on a decommissioned trading vessel has been potentially scuppered by a Federal Court finding that they were not covered by an agreement at the time.

Union officials to pay fines despite ABCC's "hyperbolic" argument

The ABCC has enjoyed another mixed result in its campaign to bring the CFMMEU to heel, a Federal Court judge agreeing to impose personal payment orders against three officials involved in picketing a building site but rejecting argument that the union's past record should necessarily attract maximum penalties.

Employer seeks anti-strike order after COVID-19 walkout

Spotless has applied for orders stopping alleged industrial action at a Melbourne industrial laundry where workers have raised safety concerns after two of them returned positive COVID-19 tests.

FWC commends peaceful resolution to border dispute

The FWC has commended the AFAP and a special mission aviation employer for their approach in resolving a COVID-19 related dispute over the relocation of FIFO pilots on Border Force surveillance contracts.

Union coerced employer to make enterprise deal: Court

The CFMMEU and one of its officials organised unlawful industrial action by 16 building workers to coerce a construction subcontractor to make an agreement for a stadium construction project, the Federal Court has ruled

Give five days' strike warning during COVID-19: FWC

Hutchison Ports has won an extended five-day notice period for industrial action after failing to do so last year, winning a ruling that the coronavirus pandemic has tipped the balance and created exceptional circumstances.

Court rejects Qantas Group bid to sideline FWC

The Federal Court has ruled today that the FWC has the power to arbitrate a dispute between the ALAEA and Qantas and Jetstar over coronavirus-related stand downs.