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Patrick bid to quash deal "amounts to bullying": MUA

The MUA has accused Patrick of "bullying" after the stevedore yesterday applied to the FWC to terminate its nominally-expired union deal to break a 20-month bargaining deadlock amid a round of strikes at its container terminals in four states.

Union seeks to reverse BHP vax mandate

The CFMMEU's mining and energy division has asked the FWC to halt the rollout of BHP's mandatory COVID-19 vaccination policy at the Mt Arthur open cut coal mine in the Hunter Valley, claiming it is not a lawful and reasonable direction.

Truckies' strike still on cards as TWU chases full deck

The TWU says it has reached in-principle agreements with four more big trucking and logistics companies as it continues campaigning against "Amazon-driven" outsourcing, while warning three remaining targets they face strikes this week.

PSA takes NSW harvest plan to umpire

The Public Service Association of NSW has lodged a dispute with the State IRC after the Perrottet Government announced a scheme under which 4500 public sector employees based in the regions will be offered five day's special paid leave if they sign up to help farmers bring in an expected record harvest.

FWC indicates no automatic extra notice for "essential services"

Employers seeking longer notice periods for protected industrial action due to exceptional circumstances might have to provide stronger evidence, after the FWC refused Essential Energy's bid to extend the warning given by the CEPU from three to five days.

Negotiation breakthrough eases truckies' strike threat

The TWU says Toll workers will not participate in planned national strikes next week if delegates accept an in-principle deal struck with the transport group that includes improved job security and an industry-first 15% employer superannuation contribution.

RFS told to reconsider stressed veteran's leave request

A tribunal has ordered the NSW Rural Fire Service to revisit its rejection of a senior manager's request for a year's leave to recover from the devastating 2019-20 bushfire season, while acknowledging concerns about a leadership void for the approaching summer and urging it to extend its search for a temporary replacement.