Unfair dismissal/termination of employment page 77 of 131

1308 articles are classified in All Articles > Legal > Unfair dismissal/termination of employment

HR manager's "overreach" undermines sacking

An HR manager's "unnecessary allegations" and "overreach" have contributed to a finding that although a drug and alcohol tester's failure to declare he was taking Nurofen Plus provided a valid reason for dismissal, his sacking was unfair.

Response "difficult to comprehend" given employer's HR expertise: FWC

The FWC on a rehearing has taken a different view of a beach inspector's claims that a supervisor authorised him to modify council cars, but found deficiencies with his employer's response that were "difficult to comprehend" given its HR expertise.

Obese worker cleared to contest dismissal after work falls

A morbidly obese office worker sacked after her third fall at work will have another chance to challenge it, the Federal Circuit Court finding earlier discontinued applications in the FWC and the Human Rights Commission to be no barrier.

Westpac "star chamber" 24-hour ultimatum unfair: FWC

The FWC has taken a Westpac investigator and HR manager to task over their "blatantly unfair" handling of allegations against a lending agent, ordering the bank to reinstate him despite his breach of its email policy.

HR manager discriminated against depressed executive: Court

A multinational company has been ordered to pay $160,000 to a former executive sacked over concerns about his capacity to return to work, despite its HR manager's insistence it was "insulting" to suggest the employee's depression played any part in the decision.

Deportation officer fairly sacked over airport lounge food raid: Bench

A Serco detainee officer has failed to overturn a finding that he was fairly dismissed for his flawed oversight of a high-risk deportation, allowing his team to remove refreshments from a Qantas lounge and letting the detainee make a withdrawal from an ATM.

Sacked salesman's handshake on settlement offer closed the deal: FWC

In a ruling further clarifying the nature of binding agreements, the FWC has decided against hearing a car salesman's unfair dismissal application after finding that he shook hands on his employer's $8000 settlement offer and agreed to "move on".

Bullying director penalised $27,500 for sacking, underpayments

The ailing 86-year-old director of a newspaper publishing company has been ordered to pay $27,500 to a journalist he sacked seven years ago, a day after he refused to withdraw a complaint to the Fair Work Ombudsman over underpayments.