Unfair dismissal/termination of employment page 64 of 131

1308 articles are classified in All Articles > Legal > Unfair dismissal/termination of employment

"Vague" task list no basis for sacking over productivity: FWC

In a decision highlighting the perils of relying on nebulous performance measures to assess productivity, the FWC has ordered an IT company to compensate an employee dismissed after being assigned a "vague" To Do list.

Dismissal round-up: Spam excuse wins extension; & more

Time extended after application lands in spam folder; Woolies failed to clarify termination date; FWC upholds sacking for taking unauthorised leave; and Tribunal backs dismissal for threat to "kill" manager.

Senior FWC member resists bench's recusal advice

A senior FWC member has sought to contain the fall-out from a full bench decision recommending those conciliating a matter should automatically cease arbitrating it if a party objects, observing that simply sending an email citing the case does not guarantee success for such requests.

Union to appeal dismissal over Hitler parody video

The AWU will argue that a senior FWC member failed to factor in the "true nature and effect" of a BP technician's Hitler parody video in its appeal against her decision upholding his sacking.

Employer ordered to reinstate "pain inflicting" firefighter

A tribunal has reinstated a long-serving emergency services worker sacked for using "pain stimuli" on recruits during training, after it found his largely unblemished work history outweighed his misconduct.