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720 articles are classified in All Articles > Agreements and bargaining > Case law

Ross rejects Aldi bid to send NERR questions to court

FWC President Iain Ross has rebuffed an application by retailer Aldi to have a full Federal Court review the rejection of its agreement because of a deficient bargaining notice.

FWC rejects bid for documents as train strife looms

As thousands of NSW rail workers prepare to ban overtime from next Thursday amid an extended bargaining dispute, the FWC has thrown out an interlocutory bid to force employers and Treasury to reveal plans for future restructures or staff reductions plus any gains from productivity measures.

Full court overrules full bench on three-worker deal

The CFMEU says it is confident in its challenge to an agreement Thiess struck with three maintenance workers prior to securing a major mining contract, after a full Federal Court remitted the employer's appeal on the basis that an FWC full bench wrongly denied the union "the fruits of its victory".

Failure to explain kills labour hire deal

In a decision signalling potential judicial pushback against so-called "sham" agreements, a Federal Court has quashed a two-year-old deal approved by three employees that now covers more than 1000 mining services workers, ruling that the employer made inadequate efforts to explain a document benchmarked against 11 different awards.

Bench to start hearing Aerocare appeal today

An FWC full bench will today hear aviation services company Aerocare's appeal against the tribunal's rejection of its proposed enterprise agreement.

Court makes crucial ruling on casual conversion

In a landmark judgment upholding a casual employee's right to convert to permanency on a "like for like" basis, the Federal Court has concluded it should fine Toll more than $40,000 and order it to compensate a freight handler for refusing to grant his request for full-time employment from May last year.