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FWC extends time for worker hit twice by representative error

A Tiger Airways employee who claims he was sacked partly because of his age and his response to threats from the airline's chief pilot has won an extension of time to lodge a general protections claim because his legal representative wrongly made an unfair dismissal application.

Conditional permit for organiser involved in safety strike

An AMWU organiser penalised this year for his role in a strike over alleged safety issues looks set to win a new entry permit, on the condition that he undergo training on the interaction of IR and OHS statutes and when it is lawful to stop work.

Worker clears "high hurdle" for late dismissal claim

The FWC has found that a combination of three factors, including a "significant" mental illness, justified extending time for an unfair dismissal claim lodged 164 days late by a former Woolworths worker.

Timetable taking shape for domestic violence leave decision

Fair Work Commission President Iain Ross has given parties involved in the domestic violence leave case one week to provide submissions in response to the full bench's preliminary view that affected employees should have access to unpaid leave.

"Ignominiously memorable" case underlines importance of unfair dismissal protections: FWC

An employer treated a long-serving worker like a "dirty rag" when it sacked her for an alleged incapacity to meet her job's inherent requirements, the FWC has found in what it describes as an "ignominiously memorable" case that provides a "strong foundation for argument against any lessening" of unfair dismissal protections.

Happy ending for worker sacked over JK Rowling book

The FWC has expressed "surprise" at the HR practices of a major courier company that dismissed a depot manager who was partially responsible for a breach of a worldwide embargo on a new JK Rowling book and was the subject of unfounded bullying allegations.

Sacking after morning sickness unlawful: Court

A court has found an employer took unlawful adverse action against a pregnant worker when it sacked her for taking time off to manage morning sickness and other issues arising from her condition.

Tribunal rejects restraint bid in bullying case

The FWC has refused to take the "extraordinary step" of temporarily restraining an employer from appointing an employee to fill the role of an allegedly bullied worker.