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Labour hire worker loses unfair dismissal claim after refusing alternative work

A labour hire employee who refused to move from a long-term placement to another host employer has lost an unfair dismissal claim, but the NSW IRC hasn't ruled out the possibility that such an employee could have an implied term in their employment contract giving them a right to stay with the host.

Concern over salary sacrificing for low-paid, employer record-keeping laws

While Workplace Relations Minister Kevin Andrews today rejected suggestions that low-wage employees would be disadvantaged by regulations allowing minimum wage averaging, practitioners also raised concerns that salary sacrificing for the low-paid could be abused.

Loophole in dismissal remedy ban, says Stewart

Unions are likely to find ways to circumvent the new ban on providing unfair dismissal remedies in agreements, while the results of next year's NSW election could be the key to whether a truly national IR system can get up, Flinders University Professor of Law Andrew Stewart told a Sydney conference today. He also explained how next week's re-numbering of the Workplace Relations Act would work.

News in brief, March 15, 2006

SA employers have 27 days to apply for exemption to minimum wage; Esso Bass Strait agreements confirm 7-day rosters; Unions plan mass rally against Work Choices on June 28; AMA steps up pressure over Work Choices medical certificates; Women lift union density in the UK; and UK discrimination laws remove redundancy age limit.

News in brief, March 13, 2006

AMA says Work Choices medical certificate provisions are flawed; Bird flu could see 60% of workforce absent for up to four weeks: Mercer report; and ACTU calls for inquiry into skilled visa program.

Howard Government stumps up $27m for workplace change in higher education

The Howard Government's $83m funding over three years to encourage workplace change in higher education won't focus on key items on the Government's IR agenda - such as fostering direct relationships with employees - until the second and third years of the program.

New IR laws to lead to bigger role for HR policy: Buchanan

Work Choices has made IR regulation so complex that employers will increasingly spurn it and rely on HR policy to prescribe practices in the workplace, ACIRRT's John Buchanan told the weekend's HR Nicholls conference. And in a separate address to the conference, the MBAV said the next bargaining round is the chance to do non-union deals.