Parliaments page 25 of 33

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Cash to be grilled again over AWU raids next month

Employment Minister Michaelia Cash faces another grilling in Senate Estimates hearings over the AFP's raids on the AWU at the behest of the Registered Organisations Commission.

Government ploughs on with IR bills despite citizenship questions

The Turnbull Government has listed two contested IR Bills for the debate in the Senate next week, setting it at odds with union calls to hold back controversial legislation until the citizenship status of MPs is clarified.

AWU raid imbroglio extends Estimates hearings

The resignation of former ABC Commissioner Nigel Hadgkiss will come under scrutiny tomorrow during an extended session of Senate Estimates hearings.

Cash offered separate legislation on error-correction power

Employment Minister Michaelia Cash said last night that she made an offer to the Opposition to split-off into a separate Bill elements of the "four-yearly review" legislation that enable the FWC to overlook technical and minor errors in agreements, after tribunal president Iain Ross twice wrote asking her to urgently secure its passage.

Legislative delays holding up agreement approvals: FWC

The Fair Work Commission says its failure to meet timeliness targets for agreement approvals is partly due to the delay in passage of the Turnbull Government's legislation that would enable it to overlook minor or technical flaws in proposed deals.

Cash says she wasn't obliged to reveal ABCC counsel resignation

Employment Minister Michaelia Cash has told a Senate Estimates committee that she had no obligation to disclose the resignation of ABCC deputy commissioner and in-house counsel Anthony Southall QC and that she only became aware yesterday of his reasons for departing.

Xenophon will not support Government "sympathy strike" Bill

The Coalition's legislation that would raise maximum fines from $750.000 to $10 million for secondary boycotts is no certainty to become law after Nick Xenophon Team senators joined the Greens and Labor to declare it would not support it.