Unfair dismissal/termination of employment page 24 of 132

1314 articles are classified in All Articles > Legal > Unfair dismissal/termination of employment

"Bald" slur was s-xual harassment: UK tribunal

A long-serving employee called a "bald c--t" during an argument with a shift supervisor suffered harassment based on his s-x, a UK tribunal has ruled.

Communication of sacking can't be outsourced to cops: FWC

The FWC has cleared the way for a worker accused of "disruptive menace" and assaulting the chief executive to pursue a general protections claim against his former employer, holding it could not delegate to police the task of telling him he had been sacked.

Vax-hesitant risk manager sought "irrelevant" risk assessment: FWC

The FWC has upheld the sacking of a risk and compliance manager who refused to meet a vaccination deadline, dismissing her request for a risk assessment as irrelevant in the context of approved COVID-19 vaccines and public health orders.

"Pyrrhic victory" for unvaxxed worker sacked prematurely

The FWC has held that an aged care employer acted "prematurely" in dismissing an unvaccinated employee barred by state health orders from attending the workplace, finding no reason why he could not have continued to work from home as he had done for almost two years.

"Disrespect" for HR manager's directions justified sacking: FWC

The FWC has upheld the sacking of a chef despite scant evidence he made discriminatory remarks, finding his failure to follow a HR manager's instructions constituted a valid reason and WorkCover certificates from a "malleable" doctor severely compromised his credibility.

FWC orders costs against agent who blamed client

The FWC has ordered costs against a paid agent because it failed to drop a dismissal claim after it settled and attempted to pin its delay on what the tribunal found to be its client's unambiguous instructions.