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Report confirms decline of awards for pay-setting

Nearly a decade after the introduction of formalised enterprise bargaining, more than two out of five employees in businesses with at least five workers have their pay set by registered agreements, while just one in five employees relies solely on award pay rates, according to new survey findings.

Reith wins case in support of junior rates

Workplace Relations Minister Peter Reith has succeeded in having quashed an IRC decision that removed junior rates from seven transport awards.

GST clauses sparse, but front-loading on rise

GST clauses in enterprise agreements are still rare, but "front-loading" of wage rises is increasingly popular, perhaps because of fears of a GST-related inflation spike, according to a new analysis of bargaining wage movements.

IRC approves non-union deal after second look

The IRC has certified a non-union deal covering employees at US-based second-hand clothing chain store Savers, despite initially finding it failed the no disadvantage test.

Minister replies to appointment controversy

South Australian Workplace Relations Minister Robert Lawson has rebutted a Workplace Express report that employers and unions were concerned the Government had gone against convention by refusing to follow the recommendations of a tripartite panel for two appointments to the State IRC.

IRC endorses sacking of "insidious" sex harasser

The NSW IRC has upheld the sacking of an employee who repeatedly exposed himself to female colleagues and viewed pornography at work to intimidate them, finding the sexual harassment was "insidious in the extreme" and of "sickening proportions".

Queensland health unions go quiet as deal ready for ballot

The long-running Queensland health dispute looks close to being over, with all unions bar the building trades group suspending industrial action and agreeing to put a draft EA struck with the health department to a ballot.

Campaign 2000 tactics varying

While the MTFU is claiming ongoing success in getting companies to commit to the Campaign 2000 break-out group agreement, the metal industry unions are also signing off on deals that deliver less than the 15% pay rise they want, and, at the same time, some employers are reporting success striking agreements directly with employees.

MD has early win in $14m unfair contracts claim

The MD of the Australian arm of a multinational company has won an order stopping his employer from shifting assets offshore to avoid paying his claim for $14m in damages for an unfair contract.

We had no choice, BHP HR manager tells court

The Federal Court yesterday finished hearing evidence in the crucial BHP individual contracts trial, with parties now preparing their written submissions.