Unions page 173 of 199

1983 articles are classified in All Articles > Registered organisations > Unions

Unfair dismissal round-up: Morning sickness justifies extending time; and more

Morning sickness justifies extending time; Legal representation granted in drug test dismissal case; Constructive dismissal by phone justified after vehicle log book failure; Refusal to accept a large settlement not unreasonable, says FWC; and "Informal chat" insufficient consultation for horse trainer redundancy.

CFMEU and TCFU preparing to merge

The CFMEU and TCFU have confirmed they are well advanced in merger talks, as unions consolidate to meet structural changes in the Australian economy and to maintain critical mass.

BlueScope says cost savings secure steelworks' future

BlueScope Steel says that steelmaking will continue in Port Kembla after "game-changing" cost savings of $200 million a year negotiated with employees, unions and the NSW Government.

CFMEU organiser received cash payments from Alex: Stoljar

The Heydon Royal Commission's counsel assisting has released submissions that argue that Sydney identity George Alex made cash payments to CFMEU construction and general division NSW branch organiser Darren Greenfield.

Cash lifts public sector wage cap to 2%

The federal government is seeking to break a bargaining impasse in the federal public sector by increasing its wages cap to 2% a year.

Lay criminal charges against CFMEU's Ravbar & Hanna: Stoljar

The CFMEU says it will seek a police investigation into the "leaking" of Heydon Royal Commission submissions that recommend that criminal charges be laid against the secretary and former president of its construction and general division's Queensland branch over the destruction of documents.

Cleanevent says AWU didn't want a record of cosy deal

The AWU did not want a trade-off for lower wages for cleaners being mentioned in the same document that dealt with employer payment of union memberships, the Heydon Royal Commission has heard.

FWC's Lawler covertly recorded conversations with president

FWC Vice President Michael Lawler has used a secretly-recorded phone conversation with tribunal president Iain Ross to challenge his claim that he never said the besieged member had an unlimited entitlement to sick leave.