Campaigns, lobbying and advertising page 16 of 17

170 articles are classified in All Articles > Registered organisations > Campaigns, lobbying and advertising

New plan for unions to staunch membership collapse

Unions are considering a push into new areas, offering online campaigning and basic services that would cost workers $1 to $2 a week, under a radical plan to rebuild membership density.

ACTU's Oliver says the Saints might have the answer

ACTU secretary Dave Oliver says unions need to adopt "radical thinking" when it comes to union mergers and alternative membership models, citing his AFL club's "seven different types of membership" as one potential template.

Embattled NUW branch makes big loss on media play

The NUW's troubled NSW branch faces a complete $250,000 write-down on its investment in a failed media company, Manic Times Pty Ltd, while the union's national secretary has confirmed it proceeded with a fundraiser that came under fire in the Heydon Royal Commission.

Police charge Cbus employees with giving false evidence; & more

False evidence charges for Cbus employees; Unions target rural MPs and crossbenchers on penalty rates; Surgeons' action plan aims to reduce discrimination, bullying; Victoria backs family violence education program in workplaces; and Essendon to admit supplements program breached safety laws.

Shift focus away from labour productivity, says ACTU

At the National Reform Summit in Canberra today, the ACTU will urge the Turnbull Government to adopt measures to boost multifactor and capital productivity, arguing that labour productivity has been growing and "is not the problem".

Court orders Hutchison to stay dismissals

The Federal Court has this evening granted an interlocutory order sought by the MUA to stop stevedore Hutchison Ports from proceeding with plans to dismiss almost 100 employees at its Sydney and Brisbane container terminals.

Unions plan national weekend door-knock on penalty rates

The ACTU is seeking to build opposition to cutting weekend penalty rates through a mass door-knock in marginal seats across Australia in mid-September, while employer associations are pushing crossbench senators to back the Government's bill to re-establish the ABCC.

Unions commit to $13m political campaign fund

The ACTU’s Congress has today endorsed a three-year, $13 million political campaign strategy will use unexploited seams of “gold” data held by unions, combined with boots on the ground in 35 marginal seats.