Bargaining agendas page 9 of 16

151 articles are classified in All Articles > Agreements and bargaining > Bargaining agendas

Casual teachers seek guaranteed daily work

Queensland Catholic school teachers are implementing work bans, their NSW counterparts have endorsed a novel measure to guarantee daily work for casuals and the employees of a Catholic school office are stopping work to fight for assurances on agreement coverage.

New McDonald's deal faces grilling after large "no" vote

RAFFWU will object to the FWC's approval of a new McDonald's deal voted up by an historically-low 59% majority, as it attempts to clear the way to terminate the burger giant's nominally expired 2013 agreement and claw back more than $250 million in alleged underpayments.

BoM agreement with conditional rights gets icy reception from union

The CPSU says it will recommend Bureau of Meteorology workers reject a new agreement offer that relegates delegates' access rights to a side deal and makes them subject to management approval, vowing in the meantime to keep inserting campaign messages into the bureau's forecasts.

FWC issues production orders over unions' territorial tussle

The FWC has found it reasonably arguable that the NUW is involved in a coordinated approach to involve itself in bargaining at Linfox despite being ineligible to represent its tanker drivers, issuing production orders regarding a non-Linfox NUW delegate who seeks to be a bargaining representative.

Better offer today could avert aviation bans: Unions

Pilots at budget airline Tigerair have warned that planned industrial action from Friday to Sunday could cause flight delays and cancellations, but unions say it could be back off the table by 5pm today if the employer improves its pay offer and budges on rostering, leave and parking costs.

End to pulp friction after eight-week strike

The AMWU has agreed to end an eight-week strike at a Melbourne envelope plant after the employer, Australian Paper, gave ground on two of three demands.

Lloyd claims "no real change" in revised APS policy

APS Commissioner John Lloyd denies that a new public sector bargaining policy contains an added push towards individual flexibility arrangements, but the CPSU says its "explicit encouragement" along with the extension of a 2% pay rise cap undermines bargaining, wages and conditions.

Glencore extends lockout beyond 100 days

Mining giant Glencore has extended a 100-day lockout at the Oaky North coal mine amid complaints over abusive behaviour on the picket line.