Bargaining agendas page 13 of 16

151 articles are classified in All Articles > Agreements and bargaining > Bargaining agendas

Dispute defying "front bar" logic, but MUA avoids bargaining order

The FWC has declined to issue bargaining orders against the MUA for its conduct in negotiations with offshore oil and gas vessel operators, despite finding it misrepresented the employers' position, played "fast and loose with the truth" and behaved in a manner that raised questions about whether it was genuinely trying to make replacement agreements.

Gorgon deal with reconfigured roster defeated

A revised enterprise deal with an extra day off in each roster cycle for the Gorgon LNG project’s largest contractor, CB&I, has been voted down, after a ballot closed on Friday evening.

Latest Gorgon deal voted down

A proposed agreement that sought to reduce working days each roster period from 26 to 23 days for the Gorgon LNG project's largest contractor has been voted down.

BlueScope rejects suggestions of Port Kembla shutdown

BlueScope Steel has denied having made the decision to shut its Port Kembla steelworks, but has confirmed it is seeking major cost reductions through current enterprise bargaining negotiations.

Bass Strait workers set to vote down Esso deal, AWU claims

The AWU expects employees at Esso Australia's Bass Strait oil operations to reject the company's proposed new enterprise agreements, which include shifting from seven-day to 14-day roster cycles for offshore workers.

Bargaining breakthrough at Aurizon

The major rail freight operator Aurizon has broken a bargaining deadlock with rail unions at its Queensland coal-hauling operations, where negotiations started more than two years ago.

Small bonus for FWO employees if they reduce absences

Fair Work Ombudsman Natalie James told a parliamentary committee today that her organisation is offering its workforce a pay rise of 1.25% over the next 12 months and 1% for each of the next two years, plus a 0.25% "unscheduled absence bonus" in the first year if sick leave can be reduced.