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247 articles are classified in All Articles > Agreements and bargaining > Bargaining strategy

FWC set to approve non-union mining deal

Glencore Xstrata has won conditional approval for the enterprise agreement it struck with 21 non-union workers it hired when it reopened what had been its unionised Collinsville coal mine in Central Queensland earlier this year.

ANZ workers to vote on 4% claim; FSU recommends CBA "yes" vote

ANZ workers are voting on the FSU's proposed log of claims for a new enterprise agreement, which includes pushing for 4% annual wage rises across all classifications, an immediate end to offshoring of Australian jobs and a commitment to no forced redundancies.

Unions to use bargaining to reverse Budget pain

The ACTU has produced a “bargaining toolkit” to help unions to pursue claims to offset Federal Budget measures, including the $7 GP co-payment, a freeze on child care rebates and the re-indexation of fuel excise.

Spotlight employees better off under award, FWC finds

Employees of national retailer Spotlight will return to award conditions today, after enterprise bargaining negotiations with the SDA failed and the union convinced the Fair Work Commission to terminate the company's first-ever collective agreement.

Tidewater order followed MUA official's unavailability

The Fair Work Commission's decision to temporarily halt a planned 48-hour strike at Tidewater Marine took into account that an MUA official was unavailable to give evidence in person to the tribunal.

Tugboat action threatens iron ore exports

Tugboat workers in Port Hedland, the outlet for much of Australia's iron ore exports, have endorsed legally protected industrial action in pursuit of improved pay and conditions in a new agreement.