Good faith bargaining page 2 of 16

152 articles are classified in All Articles > Agreements and bargaining > Good faith bargaining

Strikes loom as Sydney Water workers reject proposed deal

Sydney Water is facing potential industrial action as early as tomorrow, with unions this morning expected to tell the FWC that members have rejected the tribunal's recommended deal to settle their bargaining dispute.

Ingham's workers' pay win after picket deemed beyond FWC powers

Striking Ingham's workers in two states are set to earn an average $100 more a week under an in-principle agreement struck on the back of 24-hour stoppages and a rancorous picket, after the FWC found that it could not make a s418 order to stop the blockade.

Pay offer "an act of betrayal", warn teachers

Education unions intend to hit the NSW Minns Government with "intense political action" after it proposed to pin three 2.5% annual pay rises on the back of a planned increase of up to 12%, while the author of a "blueprint" report is urging both parties to get "creative".

RAFFWU secures "historic" ballot for Woolies strike

The FWC has cleared the way for RAFFWU to ballot its Woolworths members on whether to take multiple forms of industrial action and will require the supermarket giant to attend a conciliation conference next Wednesday in what the unregistered union says is a "historic" win.

Higher bar for unapproved ballot agents in future: FWC

The FWC's national practice leader for bargaining has started the clock on compulsory conciliation while a strike vote is conducted, having also used one of the first applications under new workplace laws to suggest that while the "recency" of the provisions made a case for endorsing an unapproved ballot agent, the bar will be higher in future.

Hatcher wants commitment in compulsory pre-strike talks

As the FWC prepares for the Secure Jobs's bargaining and industrial action components to start on June 6, it has signalled that it plans to devote a substantial amount of members' time to the new mandatory pre-industrial-action conferences to try to facilitate agreements and will expect a similar commitment from parties.