Interpretation of agreements page 27 of 30

292 articles are classified in All Articles > Agreements and bargaining > Interpretation of agreements

FWC full bench makes important ruling on FIFO employment

In a crucial ruling for the Ichthys LNG project, an FWC full bench has ruled today that an electrical contracting company is entitled to give its fly-in, fly-out employees notice of retrenchment immediately before a rest and recreation period.

Tribunal clarifies pay question for offshore workers

A labour supplier must pay the crew it provided for an offshore vessel for a full duty-day on their “swing-off” day as their replacement by another employer's seafarers did not amount to a second crew under their agreement, the FWC has found.

Employer entitled to stop paying weekend road tolls

An employer’s decision to change e-tag and toll usage policies for private usage of company cars, taken after an internal review revealed excessive spending on weekends and public holidays, has been upheld by the FWC.

FWC backs 25% pay cut after roster change

The FWC has cited Alice in Wonderland in endorsing an employer's right under its enterprise agreement to impose a 25% annual salary reduction on hundreds of fly-in, fly-out rail maintenance workers it shifted from a 14-days-on, seven-days-off roster to a seven-days-on, seven-days-off regime.

Casuals ineligible to vote on agreement: FWC

The FWC has stymied a bid by an employer on a major resources project to win approval for its enterprise agreement, ruling its 36 casual workers were not eligible to vote because they weren't "employed at the time" when they voted.

Redeployees must be given "meaningful work": Tribunal

The FWC has ruled that a company's enterprise agreement obliges it provide "meaningful work" to redeployees and operates as an exception to the general rule that there is no common law right to be provided with work.

FWC responds to "concerted" targeting of employee

The FWC has reversed disciplinary action against an employee, accepting the CFMEU's argument that her employer unfairly targeted her over work performance issues.

Wharfies vote up Hutchison deal

MUA members at Hutchison Ports Australia have endorsed a new enterprise agreement that will end long-running protests at its Sydney and Brisbane container terminals as it ensures that stevedoring employees won’t be forced into redundancies.