Interpretation of agreements page 26 of 30

292 articles are classified in All Articles > Agreements and bargaining > Interpretation of agreements

Mistakes by employer and HR sink coal deal

The FWC has rejected a coal mining agreement in an "unusually lengthy" ruling because the employer and its HR manager failed to take all reasonable steps to explain it and made a series of pre-approval procedural errors.

Coles lawyers-up to defend bid to scrap supermarkets deal

A Coles Supermarkets night-fill worker who is seeking to terminate the retailer's 2011 enterprise agreement has failed to stymie bids by the retailer and the SDA to be represented by lawyers.

No logo: Employer can stop delegates wearing union shirts

The FWC has backed aluminium giant Alcoa's right under its new uniform policy to bar two employees at its WA alumina mines who are also AWU delegates from wearing shirts that bear the union's logo in the workplace.

Bench derails RTBU bid to extend coverage to mining

An FWC full bench has confirmed that the Rail Tram and Bus Union is not entitled to represent the industrial interests of members covered by a new agreement for the maintenance contractor serving Fortescue Metals Group's rail operations in the Pilbara.

FWC cures Teys underpayment mistake, orders backpay

The FWC has ordered abattoir operator Teys Australia to backpay thousands of dollars to meatworkers for incentive scheme underpayments during a long period of "confusion" and "uncertainty" about the operation of its enterprise agreement and an associated incentive payment system.