Interpretation of agreements page 21 of 30

293 articles are classified in All Articles > Agreements and bargaining > Interpretation of agreements

Hearings set for not so "straightforward" bid to quash Woolies' deal

The FWC will set a week of hearings at the end of February to hear a RAFFWU bid to quash Woolworths' nominally-expired 2012 deal before a newly voted-up replacement is approved, with the retailer and the SDA saying they need time to consult the rest of the workforce.

Employer fined for breaching "important" job security clause

The ETU says a $40,000 penalty against an employer for failing to consult before engaging labour hire workers on inferior pay and conditions sends a message that pre-Building Code job security clauses in agreements are still enforceable.

Employer receives harsh Latin lesson in deal's interpretation

Qube Ports must withdraw final warnings issued to seven Port Kembla workers who refused shift extensions, after the FWC took its bargaining team by "complete surprise" and found the employer misconstrued a common abbreviation in its agreement.

"Chaos" if arbitrated deals not binding: Bench

The Full Federal Court has dismissed an employer's attempted challenge to an arbitrated decision by the FWC, finding that an enterprise agreement at Victoria's Yallourn power station and coal mine provided for "final and binding" dispute resolution.

Injecting insulin just another task workers don't like: FWC

The FWC has found a nursing home's agreement allows it to make carers responsible for insulin injections when nurses are unavailable, despite "misplaced" fears, protestations and lack of extra pay, but only if the employer improves training practices.

Reasonable to deny employee day off at peak time: FWC

The FWC has recommended that an employer release an AWU delegate an hour early to catch a flight to the union's annual women's conference, finding it not unreasonable under the terms of its agreement to refuse her a full day off during sugarcane crushing season.

No obligation to pay worker who lost licence: Bench

An FWC full bench has quashed a finding that BHP Coal should have kept paying or considered alternative duties for a mineworker while his driving licence was suspended, saying it would be tantamount to requiring an employer to excuse from duties but pay workers who turned up drunk.

Bench rejects small company's broad-coverage agreement

A five-member FWC full bench has quashed the approval of a small construction company's enterprise agreement, after CFMMEU modelling suggested it left workers up to $575 a week worse off than the award, but the Commission has cited the types of undertakings that might get it across the line.

Truckies' surveillance systems given all-clear

Toll has been given the green light to expand the use of in-cabin cameras and infrared fatigue monitoring systems for its long distance and liquid tanker drivers, the FWC finding them neither unsafe nor unreasonable.