Interpretation of agreements page 14 of 30

293 articles are classified in All Articles > Agreements and bargaining > Interpretation of agreements

New deal does not bury old dispute: FWC

A food manufacturing giant has failed to convince an FWC senior member that its new agreement extinguishes the tribunal's jurisdiction to hear a casual conversion dispute brought under the superseded deal.

"Strange" timing as council scraps work-from-home custom

In a case of curious timing, the FWC has endorsed a council's mid-pandemic scrapping of an enduring work-from-home arrangement on the basis it fell outside the purview of a flexible work agreement clause.

Tribunal weighs arbitral powers under old deals

A Fair Work commissioner has rejected fellow tribunal members' "erroneous" interpretations of an established authority to dismiss a classification dispute commenced under a since-expired deal.

Potential "wide ramifications" in court's stand-down ruling

In a matter a judge has speculated could have "wide ramifications" regarding stand-downs, Qantas and Jetstar have won an injunction stopping the FWC from arbitrating a dispute concerning hundreds of engineers rendered idle by the pandemic.

No sick leave obligation after COVID-19 stand downs: Court

Unions are calling on Qantas to permit sick workers to continue accessing paid personal leave entitlements while stood down due to the coronavirus, despite the Federal Court ruling today that it is not obliged to do so.

"Outraged" whistle blowers take their case to FWC

National Rugby League referees have for the second time in two years found themselves before the FWC as they contest a decision to cut from two to one the number officiating games from the competition's planned re-start on May 28.

Qantas seeks clamp on FWC arbitrating engineer dispute

Qantas and Jetstar are seeking a Federal Court injunction stopping the FWC from arbitrating a dispute over the stand-down of hundreds of licenced aircraft maintenance engineers, plus declarations that it was outside their control.

Multinational faces fine for unpaid allowance

A multinational's trouble-plagued deal for a major LNG project has again come back to bite it, with the Federal Court finding its arguments about unpaid allowances created "confusion" rather than clarity.

COVID-19 redundancies didn't follow script: FWC

In the first significant pandemic-related dispute over mass lay-offs to come before the FWC, the Federal Court's transcription service provider has been criticised for making "hollow" consultation promises and reminded to treat workers "with dignity in this time of crisis".