Interpretation of agreements page 13 of 30

293 articles are classified in All Articles > Agreements and bargaining > Interpretation of agreements

Jetstar's "unresponsive" ER manager ignored dispute: FWC

Ignoring a union's frequent letters challenging whether it could make senior engineering appointments on a temporary rather than permanent basis gave Jetstar no standing to claim a deal's dispute resolution process had not been correctly followed, the FWC has ruled.

Union's challenge to jeweller's deal not gold standard: FWC

An FWC full bench has criticised the SDA for its approach in challenging a Prouds Jewellers deal after the union neglected to provide modelling or analysis in support of claims that it failed the better off overall test.

FWC bench clips tribunal's own wings

In a significant ruling on FWC powers, food manufacturing giant Simplot Australia has overturned a finding that the tribunal can keep dealing with disputes brought under old agreements once a new deal comes into effect.

Employer's proposed new roles don't need union approval: FWC

The RTBU says it will appeal an FWC finding that its deal does not require NSW Trains to reach in-principle agreement on the introduction of new driver and guard roles for its replacement intercity rail fleet.

Woolies buckles on pay increases

Woolworths has agreed to pay more than 100,000 workers delayed increases contained in four of the group's agreements, after the SDA agreed to withdraw legal proceedings commenced this week.

Union given "blunt" feedback over flawed FWC case

A senior FWC member has taken aim at a union for exhuming a member's five-year-old allowance grievance, observing that it risked its reputation by unenthusiastically pursuing such a "stale" and "obviously flawed" case.

Court scuppers FWO's unlawful strike case against seafarers

The FWO's pursuit of penalties over a crew's "sit-in" on a decommissioned trading vessel has been potentially scuppered by a Federal Court finding that they were not covered by an agreement at the time.

Timing OK, but consultation lacking over uni job cuts: FWC

In an instructive decision on when employers should communicate major job-cutting proposals to workers, the FWC has endorsed Deakin University's timing but told it to engage at an institution-wide level after finding its 15-area carve-up left "no opportunity" for meaningful consultation.

Sacked climate critic subject to conduct code: Full Court

An academic sacked after criticising climate research is considering a High Court challenge after a full Federal Court quashed a finding that James Cook University's code of conduct is "subordinate" to intellectual freedom protections.