Agreement approval requirements/processes page 8 of 41

407 articles are classified in All Articles > Agreements and bargaining > Agreement approval requirements/processes

Workers "coerced" after real-time ballot updates: Union

The United Workers Union is claiming a "live update" ballot service prompted a major security company to send misleading text messages and direct managers to coerce workers into voting up a new agreement, in a wide-ranging bid to block the deal's approval in the FWC.

Deal torpedoed after employer's "disingenuous" statement

The FWC has waved away as "disingenuous" an employer's claim that it would be left with no employees if it offered award-level entitlements in a proposed deal, observing that various guarantees and undertakings are no substitute for the detail needed to properly conduct a BOOT assessment.

Deal's "mere possibility" of future coverage not enough: FWC bench

A NSW company's three-year deal covering prospective maintenance work at Victoria's largest power station has been quashed after less than five months, a FWC full bench finding the "mere possibility" that those who voted the agreement up might in future be covered by it did not justify approval.

Court full bench repels third-party suppression bid

A full Federal Court has knocked back a Transport for NSW bid to prevent disclosure of tender documents and other evidence in the RTBU's challenge to an FWC finding that a privatised Sydney bus service is a genuine new enterprise that can be covered by a greenfields agreement.

Deal back on chopping block as employer appeals shiftwork ruling

The FWC has decided to conclude a case with a "lengthy and complex" history, dismissing an employer's bid to further delay consideration of a union's application to terminate its nominally-expired deal while it challenges the tribunal's rejection of a new agreement to the Federal Court.

Wharf tension grows as union claims pandemic windfall

The MUA has spurned a final offer on a new enterprise agreement from Patrick stevedores, despite the company warning employees it will consider "necessary steps to preserve the business".

APS wages policy means "mystery" increases: CPSU

The CPSU has stepped up its criticism of the Morrison Government's public sector wages policy, saying it demands that workers sign up to "unknown" pay rises beyond the first year of new enterprise deals.

Employer's perfunctory effort on undertakings sinks deal

A senior FWC member has after highlighting the tribunal's significant efforts to aid compliance with agreement approval requirements thrown out an application made by an employer that thrice failed to give "intelligible" undertakings.

Deal approved despite union hints of corporate "ruse"

The FWC has rejected the CFMMEU's attempt to intervene in the approval of a two-worker deal it had no history of involvement in, dismissing concerns that the agreement was as part of a corporate "ruse" designed to cover employees of the business's far larger parent company.