Agreement approval requirements/processes page 7 of 41

407 articles are classified in All Articles > Agreements and bargaining > Agreement approval requirements/processes

Power to choose AEC for ballot unclear: FWC

In a decision casting doubt on the FWC's ability to commission the AEC to conduct MSD ballots, a senior member says it would be better if the IEU confers directly with workers at a small crèche after deciding to exclude their manager from coverage of a proposed agreement.

"Deficient" bargaining notice sinks agreement

The legislative changes five years ago to permit the FWC to overlook minor flaws in bargaining notices have failed to save an agreement for an indigenous health organisation.

Flexibility bid driven by antipathy to virus jab: FWC

The FWC has observed that a Victorian worker's application to work full-time from home under flexible work arrangements was largely motivated by her opposition to COVID-19 vaccinations, in upholding her employer's refusal of her request.

FWC report confirms agreements in freefall over decade

Agreement approvals have almost halved in the space of about a decade, according to the latest three-yearly FWC general manager's reports, while almost 60% of the 12,300 endorsed in the most recent reporting period contained undertakings.

Bookstore deal binned after bad review

The FWC has warned that employers cannot delegate their responsibility to properly explain proposed agreements, after a bookstore claimed it relied on RAFFWU and another representative to do so due to "heightened aggression" during bargaining.

Coalition moderates major project deals policy

The Coalition has today revealed a pre-election compromise position on its long-held push for "life-of-project" agreements, which would have a maximum term of six years, down on the eight-year regime jettisoned from its IR Omnibus Bill, but unions say it amounts to another Government strategy to cap pay rises.

No guarantee of gold in mine deal: AWU

Workers employed by a major West Australian gold miner have overwhelmingly endorsed a new four-year enterprise deal despite the AWU opposing it because it fails to guarantee annual pay increases.

Fresh agreement ballot after alleged "misleading" messages

A major security company accused by the UWU of sending misleading messages during voting for a new agreement and trying to coerce workers into supporting it has since withdrawn its approval application and will conduct a new ballot.

Territory public sector deal quashed after error comes to light

An FWC full bench has today acceded to the NT Government's request to overturn the approval of its main public sector agreement that covers 13,000 employees, after it lodged the wrong version of the deal with the tribunal.