Agreement approval requirements/processes page 40 of 41

407 articles are classified in All Articles > Agreements and bargaining > Agreement approval requirements/processes

FWC rejects labour hire deal

The Fair Work Commission has rejected a labour hire company's application to approve a deal without pay rates or restrictions on hours for its small, self-represented workforce, after granting the CFMEU permission to be heard as a "contradictor".

Change Act to open way for penalty rate reduction: Restaurants

The former Labor Government's changes to the modern award objective have made it impossible for 24/7 industries such as hospitality to successfully prosecute cases to abolish penalty rates and should be scrapped, according to the peak body for restaurant employers.

Mandate FWC "productivity test" for agreements, says power CEO

The head of Networks NSW, which owns the power "poles and wires" entities that are to be privatised if the Coalition wins Saturday's NSW election, is pushing for FWC approval of agreements to be conditional on them undergoing an objective "productivity test" and is backing calls for the creation of a separate FWC appeals jurisdiction.

Nursing union triumphs in long-running agreement saga

A Federal Court full bench has today ruled that the Fair Work Commission was entitled to approve enterprise agreements covering three private hospitals, even though their agent made and signed them without "actual" authority.

FWC rejects "voluntary overtime" agreement

A senior member of the Fair Work Commission has knocked back an enterprise agreement containing a voluntary additional hours provision lodged by a labour hire company with a workforce of casuals on working holiday visas.

Quashing of meat deal upheld in bitter abattoir dispute

The Federal Court has upheld the quashing of a controversial meat industry enterprise agreement, despite its view that a FWC full bench might have made mistakes in overturning a single member's decision to approve it.

Start-up agreement coverage "fair" but fails BOOT

There is nothing inherently wrong with a "start up" business making with a small group of workers an enterprise agreement that will later cover a much larger number and a wider range of jobs, but it will need to pass the "better off overall test" for those future employees as well as the existing ones, a FWC full bench has confirmed.