Agreement approval requirements/processes page 39 of 41

407 articles are classified in All Articles > Agreements and bargaining > Agreement approval requirements/processes

Coles agreement doesn't check out: FWC

The Fair Work Commission has asked Coles to make changes to its proposed supermarkets agreement, which covers about 75,000 retail workers, before it can pass the better-off-overall-test.

War breaks out between shop and meat unions

Tensions over the new national agreement covering Coles supermarkets has boiled over into angry public exchanges between officials from the SDA and the meatworkers' union.

Deviation from prescribed wording invalidates notice: Bench

A FWC full bench has ruled invalid a major company's representational rights notice for departing from strict wording and content requirements, after giving the employer and unions the opportunity to respond to newly-published guidelines on the issue.

Shipowners seek major changes to bargaining laws

The Australian Shipowners Association has told the Productivity Commission that it is important to understand that the starting point for the bargaining changes it is seeking is the "disproportionate industrial power" wielded by the maritime unions.

No guaranteed pay rises in Mt Isa Mines agreement

The Fair Work Commission has approved a new four-year enterprise agreement for Mount Isa Mines that doesn't provide employees with annual pay increases, instead leaving them to the discretion of management.

Full bench knocks back BOOT appraisal

An FWC full bench has emphasised that the tribunal should take a "global" rather than "line by line" approach when applying the better off overall test to agreements, while in another ruling the Commission has approved a deal with employer undertakings, despite union misgivings that it was originally voted up by only three employees who have since left the company.

Pass bargaining bill unchanged: Coalition

The Senate committee inquiring into the federal government's bargaining bill has handed down a report free of any recommendations to improve it, with Coalition senators wanting it passed without amendment and Labor and the Greens calling for its rejection.

Pilot appeals program "promising": FWC

There are "promising" early results from a 12-month pilot program that is seeking to speed-up the appeals process in the FWC and reduce parties' costs, according to the tribunal's president, Justice Iain Ross.