Agreement approval requirements/processes page 26 of 41

407 articles are classified in All Articles > Agreements and bargaining > Agreement approval requirements/processes

Minister still a chance to intervene in contentious fire deal

The Fair Work Commission has reserved its decision on whether Federal Workplace Minister Craig Laundy can intervene in the approval of a new enterprise agreement covering the Melbourne Metropolitan Fire Brigade, an attempt criticised by the UFU as an "unprecedented hijack" of the process.

FWC issues production orders over unions' territorial tussle

The FWC has found it reasonably arguable that the NUW is involved in a coordinated approach to involve itself in bargaining at Linfox despite being ineligible to represent its tanker drivers, issuing production orders regarding a non-Linfox NUW delegate who seeks to be a bargaining representative.

Full court shoots down Aerocare appeal

A full Federal Court has today dismissed an attempt to overturn the Fair Work Commission's rejection of a new enterprise agreement for aviation ground-handling company Aerocare.

Employer's bland statement no assistance; & more

Bench says employer's "bland" description no help to BOOT assessment; FWC takes chainsaw to gardener's sacking; and Tribunal rejects bid to require witness to appear in person.

Union no-show at Commission as another agreement terminated

The South Australian branch of the AWU has refused to participate in a hearing into a major grain company's successful agreement termination bid, telling the FWC it has "no confidence" in a legal process for employer terminations that unfairly bolsters their bargaining position.

Ross rejects Aldi bid to send NERR questions to court

FWC President Iain Ross has rebuffed an application by retailer Aldi to have a full Federal Court review the rejection of its agreement because of a deficient bargaining notice.

Aldi deal wins High Court coverage endorsement but needs reBOOT

The High Court has directed an FWC full bench to re-determine whether a controversial Aldi agreement for a new distribution centre passes the better off overall test, but it has agreed with the retailer that deals covering new enterprises can extend to employees yet to work there.

Full court overrules full bench on three-worker deal

The CFMEU says it is confident in its challenge to an agreement Thiess struck with three maintenance workers prior to securing a major mining contract, after a full Federal Court remitted the employer's appeal on the basis that an FWC full bench wrongly denied the union "the fruits of its victory".