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1226 articles are classified in All Articles > Agreements and bargaining > Agreements

Union must name workers for FWC to resolve dispute

The FWC has confirmed it has the power to determine a dispute between labour supplier WorkPac and the CFMEU over pay cuts at a Rio Tinto coal mine, but its intervention is conditional on the union naming the employees involved.

Judge notes members recruited unions into dispute; imposes big fine

The Federal Court has acknowledged in imposing more than $100,000 in fines on the AMWU, AWU and CFMEU and their organisers for taking unlawful industrial action and adverse action against Australian Paper that the unions only became involved when they "properly responded to the workers' needs".

Reconciliation provision not enough for deal to pass BOOT: Bench

An undertaking that enabled employees who believed they had been underpaid to seek a reconciliation did not create "an enforceable right to any payment", an FWC full bench has ruled in overturning the approval of an enterprise agreement.

CPSU walkouts at DHS to begin next week

The CPSU is ramping-up its campaign to break a bargaining deadlock at the Department of Human Services, with rolling stoppages set to start next week, but the department anticipates the effect of the union's action will be "minimal".

Six-hour wait unpaid: FWC

Victoria's police federation has lost a battle to secure overtime for officers working at the 2014 G20 leaders' summit in Brisbane after the FWC concluded they were not working in the six hours between checking out of their hotel and a bus arriving to take them to their homebound flights.

TWU says aviation deal fails BOOT

The TWU will oppose the approval of what it alleges is a substandard ground-handling agreement put forward by a company within the Emirates airlines group that offers workers 60 hours' work per month with no weekly guarantee.

Schools' rollover deal an "honorable draw": Union

The SA branch of the IEU and employers have conceded defeat after almost two years of bitter negotiations for a new deal covering the state's Catholic schools, with both withdrawing their claims and settling on backdated pay rises aligned with those in government schools.

Strike threat in NSW & ACT Catholic schools

After clashing over workload protections for teachers and support workers in more than 500 NSW and ACT Catholic schools, the Independent Education Union is seeking to take industrial action and negotiate agreements directly with 11 dioceses rather than make the multi-enterprise agreement sought by the Catholic Commission for Employment Relations.