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1226 articles are classified in All Articles > Agreements and bargaining > Agreements

DP World wharfies walk off job

A pre-Christmas waterfront battle between the MUA and container terminal operator DP World kicks off today with a 48-hour strike in Fremantle, which started at 6am WA time, to be followed by a 44-hour stoppage in Melbourne, from noon on Sunday.

FWC makes landmark supported bargaining authorisation

A FWC full bench has this afternoon issued the first supported bargaining authorisation under the Secure Jobs provisions, opening the way for the UWU, AEU and IEU to negotiate a deal on behalf of 12,000 employees with 64 early childhood education and care employers.

Catholic school workers vote down "punitive" deal

Queensland Catholic school teachers and support staff have rejected an employer deal by a narrow margin after the IEU labelled it "punitive" and warned of major cuts, while staff in Religious Institute and Edmund Rice schools have convincingly voted up their unilateral offer.

Lesser LSL entitlement warrants extending zombie AWA

A FWC full bench has extended a CBA worker's AWA because reverting to the enterprise agreement would reduce her long service leave pay by more than $17,000, but it refused the bank's request to keep the details of the individual contract confidential.

FWC puts Chevron IBD bid on ice after peace deal

In the wake of Chevron and unions backing a FWC recommendation to resolve their bargaining dispute, a FWC full bench has today temporarily adjourned the company's intractable bargaining declaration application, but has left the door open for unions to file a strike-out motion.

Hilton zombie deal not for resuscitation: Bench

A FWC full bench has confirmed it cannot accept undertakings to cure zombie deals' BOOT-related deficiencies when considering whether to extend their life, while also refusing to take on board undertakings the tribunal recently endorsed when it transferred a 2006 Work Choices agreement.

"Urgent fix" required for post-PABO mandatory talks: UWU

A union involved in more than 20% of the FWC's s448A compulsory conciliation conferences since they started in June says they come with a significant "risk versus reward overlay" that threatens to derail protected action and an "urgent fix" is required.