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1226 articles are classified in All Articles > Agreements and bargaining > Agreements

Gina's train deal finally leaves station

A contentious agreement covering train drivers servicing the Roy Hill Pilbara mine network has finally been approved by the FWC, two years after being unanimously voted up by two employees.

Court rejects bid to stymie Domino's class action

The Federal Court has today accused pizza chain Domino's of "exaggerating" its concerns about a major class action underpayments claim and has allowed it to proceed towards trial.

FWC issues bargaining order in "Hotel California" case

An IR consultant says a FWC decision ordering his client back to the bargaining table will have a chilling effect by confirming the "Hotel California" nature of a bargaining system in which once employers check in, "they can never leave".

High Court rejects "front man" abuse of process case

The High Court has today unanimously rejected "robo-terminal" VICT's argument that the MUA abused lower court processes when it used delegate Richard Lunt as a "front man" for its belated bid to overturn approval of the company's enterprise agreement.

Landmark deal provides "right to disconnect"

Victorian police officers have won a ground-breaking "right to disconnect" clause in their enterprise deal that relieves them of a duty to respond to emails or telephone calls outside their effective working hours.

CBA "bribes" helped secure non-union deal: FSU

The FSU is accusing the Commonwealth Bank of using "bribes" and threats to cram a non-union deal down workers' throats after staff voted it up despite strong opposition.

MSD granted despite union rebuke over "defective" petition

The FWC has overlooked a union's "typographical error" in misnaming an employer opposed to its bid for a majority support determination, but not before castigating it for eating up the Commission's time by refusing to correct its mistake.

Union by-pass hiccup for NSW MBA

The NSW MBA's campaign to build a beachhead of non-union agreements is in jeopardy, with the FWC rejecting two deals it found had not been genuinely agreed.

High Court timetables Personnel Contracting, Ridd cases

The High Court is likely to hear the Personnel Contracting/ZG Operations and Ridd cases in the second half of the year, after setting timetables for submissions to be completed by early June.