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1226 articles are classified in All Articles > Agreements and bargaining > Agreements

NZ's Fair Pay Agreements "biggest change in decades"

New Zealand's Ardern Labour Government is drafting legislation to overhaul its IR system and introduce occupation and industry-wide bargaining where unions can demonstrate support or it passes a public interest test, but businesses say its "compulsory" nature breaches international law.

GFB ruling paves way for pit supervisors deal

A recent FWC finding that BHP engaged in unfair bargaining practices, and subsequent tribunal-chaired negotiations, have led to Professionals Australia securing the first standalone enterprise deal for coal mining supervisors.

TWU and VIPA to proceed with merger

The merger between the Transport Workers Union and the Virgin Independent Pilots Association in July will lead to the creation of a pilots' division within the TWU, subject to VIPA members approving the nuptials in a ballot.

New cabin crew deal as Virgin emerges from pandemic

Virgin cabin crew have decisively voted up a new deal after trouncing a previous offer, with the FAAA laying out expectations the reborn airline must reward workers for their "sacrifice" when it recovers from the pandemic's hit to its operations.

Union to seek urgent dispute hearing after injunction bid

The Federal Court has today refused a rail union bid to stop the retrenchment and redeployment of employees of Melbourne public transport operator Metro Trains, after the company gave an undertaking it wouldn't proceed while the RTBU seeks an expedited dispute hearing in the FWC.

Unfair to stand in way of cost savings: FWC

The FWC has cleared the way for Bluescope to outsource the cleaning role of skilled operators at its Port Kembla bulk berth department, finding it would be unfair to stop it achieving financial benefits of improved flexibility even though it will cost eight permanent positions.

Ridd asserts his "overriding right" to criticise employer

An academic challenging his sacking for breaching his university's code of conduct when he denounced its climate change research will tell the High Court intellectual freedom provisions give him an overriding right to criticise his employer.

Department must consult on dress standards, social media: FWC

The Department of Home Affairs has failed to convince the FWC it was not obliged to consult workers before introducing new policies governing social media use, interactions with children and a dress code deeming sleeveless clothing "unsuitable".