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1226 articles are classified in All Articles > Agreements and bargaining > Agreements

Territory public sector deal quashed after error comes to light

An FWC full bench has today acceded to the NT Government's request to overturn the approval of its main public sector agreement that covers 13,000 employees, after it lodged the wrong version of the deal with the tribunal.

Bargaining resumes as axe hangs over cabin crew deal

The FAAA says it has resumed negotiations with Qantas to avoid "enormous pay cuts" if the airline continues to pursue its application to terminate their agreement and push long-haul cabin crew onto award pay and conditions.

$5000 in shares acknowledges pandemic pain: Qantas

Qantas will grant 1000 share rights to 20,000 employees, who endured 18-month stand-downs and are subject to two-year wage freezes, but the TWU says its forecast rapid post-pandemic recovery shows the airline's' "illegal outsourcing and attacks on workers under the cover of covid" were unwarranted.

Full court to hear Qantas outsourcing appeal today

Qantas and the TWU today take their long-running legal battle over the outsourcing of up to 2,000 ground crew jobs at the height of the pandemic to a full Federal Court.

Woolies adds more underpayments to its docket

Woolworths has revealed another $144 million in underpayments to workers covered by its three main enterprise agreements, while warning its backpay bill for its earlier revelations about shortchanging salaried employees could still go higher.

APSC "enhancement" restriction could hamper WFH: Union

The "no enhancements" clause in the Federal public sector's bargaining policy could stymie the adoption of WFH provisions in Australian Public Service enterprise agreements, according to the CPSU's national secretary.

WA News resumes lockout after cooling-off ends

The Perth-based newspaper group controlled by billionaire Kerry Stokes has locked out more than 100 printers for an indefinite period after they rejected a second bargaining offer.